Thursday 21 November 2013

Another Halloween post

Yes, the preview post was about last year's Halloween and this one is about THIS YEAR's Halloween...!

Like in 2012, I did a party for kids and a party for grownups.

So at the door, a welcoming sign, indicating that the party was not meant to be spooky!

This was the setting for the kid's party:

Decorated plastic cups with label (with name) and straws 
(Lia Griffith - free printables for personal use) and

Eyeball jello with vanilla pudding...

Wich's brooms
(bretzels with cheese)

Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla topping and sugarpaste handmade bats, ghosts and wich's hat...
(cupcake wrappers from - free printables for personal use)

At the window, decorated pumpkins and drinks 
(milk bottle, in the picture, with the Lia Griffith's free printable invitation, adapted)

Juice bottles, also "dressed up to the occasion"!

And some hard boiled Halloween eggs, from the local supermarket.

There were 2 tables, and this one had chips, sandwiches, candy and cookies:

This "Spider-Cookies"... soooo easy to prepare!

And also a "spooky" decoration!

Oh, and this was the banner that I made with my daughter:


 The mothers are actually having some fun!

Ok... the kids were playing, the time passed quickly and it was time to open another table...


I have to admit that the "grownups" decoration this year was not exactly how I wanted...

However, the food this year was better than last year...!
(let's face it - that more important to the guests!)

The same decoration I made for the chocolate filled cookies, I made for the simple butter cookies:

And some cupcakes with bugs!

Again this year, the "Rotten Eggs":

Wich's Cake
A Chocolate/Orange Cake with Maltesers filling 
(Martha Stewart's recipe - a bit too sweet for me, but nice)

"Chopped Fingers with Blood"
sausages with yellow pepper "nails" and ketchup

Outside we had a tend...

Here's how it looked like at the end of the party:

At the guestWC I assembled a "Make Up Station" with pictures to inspire!

 Oh, eyes, and a great, easy idea to do with the kids: 
a toilet paper bowling with mini-pumpkins!

Hope you have enjoyed...

We sure did!!!

As I said before, I take a lot of ideas from the web and I didn't post all the sources. 
If anyone feels that they deserve the credit for it, just tell me!

Not-So-Spooky Halloween

I think that Halloween is a typical american party but I always liked the idea of having a ghost, a vampire and a wich sipping a green cocktail while listening to good music!

To make this not to just another party, I decide to envolve the family...

My husband did all the pumpking carving while my daughter and I did the creative work!

So the backdrop for the kid´s table was made while I taught my daughter some letter of the alphabet:

And we bought some interesting pumpinks to decorate too...

Later, they were "glittered":

I did some personalized cups for kids so they would use always the (one) same cup...

 The kid`s table turned out pretty good, I think.

Some orange pompoms, the letters backdrop and a bat garland that my daughter punched out.

Glittered pumpkins and carrot juice on the side...

Little coconut Ghosts!

Some candy and Oreos with sugarpaste pumpkins!

Mummy cheese sandwiches!

I did try to make healthy snacks...

and there was also carrot juice and simple milk...

By night, when the kid`s party was over, I served a dinner for the "grownups".

The carved pumpkin stayed outside, looking through the window...

 For the grownups table I decide to go for a wich`s house kind of thing...

You can find lots of great stuff in the web (he, he)... like these book covers and labels.
Just choose the right kind of bottles and it`s a hit!

I also included some mushrooms and eggplants, not only for the theme and color, but also because they are cheap and easy to find.

(and spiderwebs and fake spiders, of course!)

Candles are also a cheap decoration, specially when used, with dripping wax...

The sticks we have collected in a park the weekend before...
... fun and easy!

Simple food with decorative spiders

For dinner, I prepared some "Wich`s Hair" spaghetti:

Martha Stewart`s "Eggs of Newt" drink (lemonade):

Bloody Delicious Pavlova:

Pumpin Pie:

Milky Ghosts:

Wich`s Fingers:

Rotten Eggs
(boiled marbles eggs with black "caviar")

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Of course I was everywhere!